May 11, 2011

Work In Progress Wednesday

The WIPs on my sewing tables are numerous.  Here are two small quilts that I am making for my sister.  She wanted three small quilts for the end tables and a new valance for the window, so we went fabric shopping together.  It is sew much fun to shop for fabric on someone else's dollar!  She doesn't read this blog {as far as I know!}, so she'll be none the wiser about these surprises!  I call them surprises because she let me pick the patterns!

This is what she chose for the small table quilts.  Yum!!

Project #1 Pinwheels

Boring four-patch blocks with border.

Attack the blocks with the Twister Tool, and voila, you get a pretty block!

This shows before and after cutting size of each block.  If you can't stand a little waste, this ain't the tool for you.

Sorry about the bad lighting.  Here the blocks are sewn together and awaiting quilting.

* * * * * * * *

Project #2: Liberated Wedding Ring Block
This is an easy peasy paper piecing project.  A very easy pattern to use if you've never paper pieced before.  You can find this tutorial at Little Miss Shabby!

2" x 4.5" pieces cut and arranged as desired.

Sewn together and removing the paper backing.

One strip done!  Three to go!

This is a sample of the final block from Little Miss Shabby.  Pretty cute!!

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I love the look of the twister pinwheel but struggle with the waste as you say. Maybe one of these days I will try it. I have a string X on my list of quilts to make which is about the same as LMS's block. Nice fabrics your sister picked out and lucky you for being able to shop with her paying for it, LOL

    Also I could not get to your site with the linky thing at Lee's blog, not sure what happened but I had to type in the http when I held my mouse on the photo I could see what the addy was.

  2. Love both of these patterns. I have the twister tool too and I love it. If you are really careful when you cut I find you can save the larger pieces from the middle for something else and have very little waste.

  3. @ Greta - Those scraps already went out with the trash, but the next time I use the Twister, I'll see what I can make with the scraps instead of assuming they're all trash! I'm being very careful with this fabric so I can make as many little quilts for her as I can.
    Mrs. Hearts

  4. I love the brown and the blue together!

  5. The brown and blue is gorgeous. These fabrics really make it pop too!

  6. WOW! I absolutely am in love with the pattern for the second block. I bet it will look just darling in your fabric!


  7. Beautiful work! I love those twisty pinwheels.

  8. Wow! I have that tool and love what it can do to liven up a four, six, nine...etc...patch!

    Beautiful fabric! Beautiful block.


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