March 28, 2012

Help with Colors Bleeding When Washing a Quilt

Before                                                                                                After

Remember the Red White Irish Chain quilt that bled in the wash and the white vine fabric turned pink?  You can read about that in a previous post.  Sarah Craig at Confessions of a Fabric Addict left me a comment recommending washing it with Shout Color Catchers and OxyClean.  I used both of these products and re-washed the quilt, and the pink became quite a bit lighter; not quite back to white, but much lighter.  I will for sure be using this when washing all quilts in the future!  Thanks, Sarah!

I had to re-take the pictures so they were accurate in my Etsy shop, but today is too windy to take any outside, and the new pictures aren't as nice as the outdoor shots.

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful quilt. I'm glad you found something to take the extra color, although I thought it was lovely the first time. (even with the extra colors)


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