Earlier this summer, Millie picked out this fabric line, Nana's Garden by Red Rooster Fabrics, for a new quilt for her bunkbed as part of redecorating her room to be more old-fashioned. I posted about that HERE. She chose the Barbie's Basket pattern found in the book, Cutting Corners. About a month after I bought the fabric, and the day I began cutting the pieces, she humbly told me she wasn't sure it was her favorite anymore; it didn't seem bright enough! I went ahead and continued cutting and sewing anyway; telling her she could decide when it was all done, and if she still didn't like it, it could find a place in my Etsy shop, so no worries there, sweetie!
Today I finished the basket blocks and put it up on my design wall. It is even sweeter than the picture portrays! After assembling the quilt center, I'll add a thin green border and another wider pink floral border to bring it to twin size. And ... Millie thinks it is beautiful!!
Picket Fence in Spring, a quilt in very similar colors, just sold in my Etsy shop!
What a beautiful quilt and how wonderful that she now loves it!!