December 29, 2012

Gorgeous Eye Candy For You!

Kona New Bright Roll

Yummy!  Just arrived in my mailbox - three super happy Kona Roll-Ups in New Bright, along with some Kona White strips.  These delicious fabrics are for a custom order in the 30s Barn Raising pattern.  It's a queen size, and I am so excited to make a big quilt in this pattern with these colors!  The Kona White strips are precuts from an eBay shop, saving me lots of time over cutting them myself.  I'll let you know how accurately they are cut, 'cause you might like to get some for yourself as they are cheaper than a manufacturer-cut roll up, and they come in lots of colors, too!

☺  And ... did you know it is sew fun to buy fabric when someone is paying you to do so???  ☺

Kona New Bright Roll

Every strip is different!!

Jelly Roll Fuzzies!

Even Kona New Bright Roll lint is awesome!  It reminds me of sprinkles on a doughnut at the grocery store - you know, those ones that never taste as good as they look!

And here's a tip I learned from a quilting book, Jelly Roll Quilt Magic.  Use a lint roller on the jelly roll to get the tiny pieces off before giving your sewing room a nice dusting of them.  It takes about three changes of the brush's sticky paper to get it all.  Great idea!

I will keep you posted on the progress of this quilt.  I've already begun sewing strips together, because I simply ... couldn't ... wait to get my hands on it!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea! My boyfriend goes nuts when I leave all those little lint bits all over the flat. Also, super pretty fabrics! Thanks for that :)


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