January 23, 2013

More Blues Greens Log Cabin Blocks Layout Options and Millie's Choice

Yesterday's post about layout options for the greens blues log cabin blocks brought mixed responses.  Today I have laid out three more options for the jumbo log cabin blocks.  I just can't make up my mind, so I am going to let my daughter Millie decide.  She is 11 and has great taste!
Greens Blues Log Cabin Blocks
The blocks really are square; they are just haphazardly placed!  I just threw them up there!
Greens Blues Log Cabin Blocks
These large blocks do not stick to the felt design wall and require a couple of pins.  Smaller blocks usually stick okay and do not need pinning, unless the overhead fan is on.  This one is my favorite.
Greens Blues Log Cabin Blocks
Millie's final choice is ... a layout from the previous post!
Blue Greens Log Cabin Blocks
And guess what?  This layout had the most votes from my overwhelming readership.  This means it had two votes where other layouts only had one or none!  ha ha :} ha ha!  Millie did not know this before she cast her vote.  Thank you to all who responded to my inquiry!
I will be assembling the blocks this afternoon and getting the quilt top on Mrs.Singer's rails very shortly.  Gotta get the design wall cleared off to begin the next custom order of the popular 30s Barn Raising Quilt!  This one will be a piece of cake at 56" square compared to the queen-sized one I just finished.  I have some large scraps left over from the greens blues log cabin blocks which will be integrated into the backing with the plan of having ZERO scraps remaining from this collection with nothing to put back into the fabric closet.  Taking fabric OUT means there is room to put more IN ... right???

1 comment:

  1. Millie definitely made the right choice. It's going to be a beautiful quilt all quilted up. Isn't it amazing how the quilting makes it come alive?


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