November 7, 2015

Custom Lap and Twin Checkerboard Quilts {Finished!!}

These two quilts are made from the shirts of my customer's husband who passed away. This completes an order of three identical memory quilts, two twins and a lap size.

Cutting shirts into usable fabric takes quite a bit of time, and I was so thankful for my Accuquilt GO! which made cutting perfect strips a breeze after I had disassembled the shirts.  I bought the 2" finished strip die specifically for this project and will be using it on a regular basis.  It may become my favorite die!  I recently used this die to cut a hundreds of 2.5" squares from 2.5" WOF strips in a matter of minutes!

This is my final custom order for 2015 and brings the total number of custom quilts to 11 for the year; one baby, one bed runner, two laps, five twins, one queen, and one king.  I have one custom quilt planned for January of 2016, and then I am retiring from making custom quilts except for previous customers or special cases where I change my mind which is my prerogative as a woman!  My quilting focus is changing to quilting for my home, as well as finishing up the 2015 quilt alongs I'm way behind on in preparation for starting Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt along which begins the weekend of Thanksgiving.  I also plan to spend more time designing quilt patterns and quilting for my Etsy shop as I have the time.  I have two patterns which I plan to release before the end of 2015 which I can't wait to show you!!

And here are two weekend sales for you!!  

Craftsy is having a sale on craft supplies - up to 70% off, Sunday only!

Accuquilt has a huge sale on Studio Dies and Die Bundles!

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  1. I think your customer will be really pleased with those quilts! Looking forward to seeing your pattern.

  2. Congrats on getting them done. If I ever have to cut up shirts like that, I will probably invest in the Accuquilt. And I love that you reserve the right to change your mind.

  3. Quick question Myra, were all the shirts in the memory quilt 100% cotton?


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