October 12, 2016

Up, Up and Away {a Scrap Quilt in Progress}

What ever do you do with the triangle scraps that multiply when you make binding??  I have an off/on relationship with mine; sometimes I save 'em, and sometimes I toss 'em.  I'm currently in the saving stage and plan on making a quilt like this.
Photo credit: Salty Oat on Pinterest
The quilt pattern is Up, Up and Away in Sunday Morning Quilts by Amanda Jean Nyberg and Cheryl Arkison.  I noticed the pattern in this book a few years ago and had an ah-ha moment this week when I remembered this book is the one that has this neat pattern for using binding triangle scraps!

So far I have a pile of triangles and squares and the book.  The squares were easy to cut when I mis-cut some fabric this week.  I just kept cutting to get the size stated in the pattern.  What I'd like to do is take one day a month where I work on the blocks, and maybe that will happen ... or not.  No pressure if it doesn't.  This, of course, will be an ongoing project because it takes almost 600 triangles to make a smallish lap quilt.  At an average of 10 triangles per quilt (2 at each join), that's 60-ish quilts!!

Anyway, if any of you care to join me, I'll create a link-up so you can share your progress.  

Linking to:
Oh Scrap

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  1. That's a pretty quilt! But I think I'll pass. I toss those little triangles when I make my binding. They are so small!

  2. How did I miss this quilt in that book? And what a great idea to use up triangles - thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Love that quilt! It is a great use of triangles.

  4. Everytime I make binding, I look at those little triangles and think I'm going to try saving them, and then I actually end up tossing them! But then Insee what other people do with them, and wish I'd been saving those triangles! Have fun with your project!

  5. What a great idea! Right now I toss those in the trash. Thanks for sharing this tip with Oh Scrap!

  6. I made one of these when that book first came out! Had to go dig up the link (http://katandcatquilts.blogspot.com/2013/01/finish-shrapnel-sunday-morning-quilt.html) I loved making that quilt, although it did take quite a while! I look forward to seeing yours!!


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