September 17, 2018

Glorious Dawn Quilt by Myra Barnes of Busy Hands Quilts!

I can finally show you some of the Secret Sauce Sewing that was happening back in May!!  Meet Glorious Dawn, a quilt I designed for Craftsy's new Quilt Along!  Yep, you may have heard me squeal on January 23rd, 2018 at 9:04 a.m. Pacific time when I received notice that Glorious Dawn had been selected!  Since that time many, many hours were spent putting the design on paper in three sizes and three colorways in each size.  The pattern is 23 pages long, friend!  But no worries - it's broken down into easy steps, so it's not as difficult as it looks!

This is Glorious Dawn in Botanical Hydrangea, in sweet purples and aquas, and this is the quilt I made for the pattern.  It's a queen size at 94" square.

This is Glorious Dawn in Collage Sea Spray, in a blend of soothing blues and greens.  To make this quilt twin size, the X blocks down the sides are omitted, and less of other blocks are used.

This is the rainbow-ish version in Solids Spectrum.  This is the lap size which is identical to the queen with smaller blocks and less blocks in a few of the rounds.

Each picture above links right to the page where that colorway is sold in three sizes.

I bet you're wondering how you can get your hands on one of these kits or the pattern!!  Here's the scoop.  

Quilt Kits come in all three colorways in all three sizes - Throw, Twin, and Queen - and are available right now over at Craftsy.  Botanicals Hydrangea - Collage Sea Spray, and Solids Spectrum.

If you're not sitting down, now is the time you need to get yerself onto your seat - I had to when I heard this news ... 

Angela Walters created a video Quilt Along for y'all over on Bluprint!!  Yes, Angela, the Angela Walters!!!  Here's a peek at her holding my quilt.  Yep, holding a quilt made by little 'ol me ... {squeals in disbelief!!}

If you've ever watched any of Angela's video courses, you'll know how fun this video Quilt Along is going to be as she walks you through making all of the blocks, assembling the quilt top, and quilting it.  I can't wait to see her fun take on this quilt!  I'll definitely be watching along - and maybe you'll join Angela and me!?!

The Glorious Dawn Video Quilt Along is available for free on Bluprint.  If you are a current subscriber, you should have received a coupon via email for 50% off the quilt kit of your choice.  This coupon expires on October 31st, 2018.

If you're not yet a Bluprint subscriber, this is your lucky day!!  When you sign up for an annual Bluprint subscription, you will receive a free queen size Glorious Dawn Quilt Kit in the colorway of your choice, a $25 Craftsy gift certificate to buy supplies, 24/7 access to all Craftsy videos and Bluprint exclusive shows, plus free shipping on all Craftsy orders for a year!  The total value of this package is $630 - and the annual subscription fee is only $120!!  What's not to ♥ about that?!?  Sign up for this terrific offer on this page.

Mark your calendar for Monday, October 1st, when the Glorious Dawn Quilt Along begins!  You can see the schedule for each week over here.  Order your kit by September 21st in order to have it in time for the beginning of the Quilt Along.

And since Craftsy understands that you might have your own colorway in mind and would rather not purchase an entire kit, the standalone pattern is available for Free to Bluprint subscribers.  If you choose to forego the ease of a quilt kit and want to choose your own fabrics, the course materials include help in selecting fabrics since that is the key to making the Glorious Dawn design really shine through.

So to sum it up - you can get your hands on a Glorious Dawn quilt kit in Botanicals Hydrangea - Collage Sea Spray, and Solids Spectrum ... or through the Bluprint platform.

And just because I . Am . So . Excited, here is another peek at my quilt!

And another fun peek at all three colorways side by side ... which one is your favorite?  {It's okay if it's not Hydrangea!!}

Glorious Dawn is my entry in the Fall 2018 Blogger's Quilt Festival over at Amy's Creative Side.  Twice a year Amy hosts the BQF where we can share our favorite finishes with each other.  Be sure to go check out all of the amazing quilts linked up, and for sure share your favorite finish of the year!

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Brag About Your Beauties


  1. Gosh, all three are really beautiful. It would be difficult to pick a favorite! Looks like a fun pattern!

  2. Congratulations on having your beautiful quilt chosen for such a showcase! No wonder you squealed. All the quilts are gorgeous, and I'm sure will be popular when they reach the quilting public.

  3. Congrats on such a wonderful journey and beautiful quilt!

  4. Oh, My, Goodness!!! The pictures are just fabulous! I am very excited about how great this turned out! Congrats again! BTW, my favorite is the blue one!

  5. How exciting and absolutely gorgeous. This is the most tempting quilt along ever.

  6. All are gorgeous but sea spray is my favorite!

  7. Wow! 3 finishes and they're all amazing! I think my favourite is the blue and green one - so pretty!

  8. They are all beautiful, but I like the white background the most!


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