January 9, 2013

Custom Queen Sized 30s Barn Raising Quilt Progress #5


Here is the past few days' progress on the custom queen sized 30s Barn Raising quilt.  Hanging / pinned to my design and lying on the floor  are 135 of the 225 blocks.  

Below is today's progress.  All of those blocks are sewn together and the quilt top is folded over on itself to make room for the next six rows of blocks to be added to the design wall on the right side.  My felt design wall isn't big enough for this large of a quilt, but I make do.  Being height challenged, I really don't want it any higher as I'd have to use a ladder to use it!  As it is, I already use a little stool.  I'd rather lay some of the blocks on the floor and work on a quilt in sections than have a taller wall.

Sew, there are 90 more blocks to add to the right side, and the top is ready for quilting!  Hurray!



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