January 16, 2013

Custom Queen Sized 30s Barn Raising Progress #6

Here's a peek at the quilt top before being placed on Mrs.Singer's rails for the second-to-the-last step - quilting!!


Quilting is going great!  Today I am half way done and am on the fourth bobbin.  Mrs.Singer uses regular-sized bobbins, although Singer did make an identical model with a larger bobbin case {too bad this ain't one of 'em!}.  I should be able to finish quilting it tomorrow, but who knows what a day will bring!


And here is a tiny peek at the backing!  YUM!!  I loved striped backings and binding!

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  1. It just keeps getting better! Your backing fabric is perfect.

  2. I have to say, I didn't know this was possible with these vintage Singers. I have one which is made around 1930's. Is mine similar to yours and if it is can you tell me how I can set mine up like yours to machine quilt? T would make my life so much easier.
    Thanks so much for sharing.

    lilypatchquilts (at) yahoo (dot) com

  3. I love this barn raising pattern!!! Easy on the eye! How fun to quilt it with a Singer too:)

  4. Oh, that's just lovely - so bright and cheerful! Whoop whoop!!


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