January 22, 2013

Playing With Blues Greens Log Cabin Blocks Layout

To me, stress-free block piecing is making log cabin blocks.  They don't have to take a whole lot of thought if you don't want them to.  Sounds like just what I needed recently while making the custom queen-sized 30s Barn Raising quilt.  I always have several projects going at once, and these are some blocks I have worked on over the last week or so.  They are jumbo sized at 16" square.
Blue Greens Log Cabin Blocks
I had an idea in my mind of how I wanted them laid out, but after moving them around a bit, I have changed my mind as to my preference.
Blue Greens Log Cabin Blocks
I love my design wall and being able to step back and look at the blocks.
Blue Greens Log Cabin Blocks
I have learned to take pictures of each layout for simpler comparison of my favorite layout.  I say "my favorite layout" rather than "the best layout" because there is no wrong way.  Even having a block turned the "wrong" direction could still be the maker's interpretation and not really a mistake.
Blue Greens Log Cabin Blocks
I just choose what strikes my fancy, and this one below is it ... I THINK, though I kinda really like number three, as well!!
Blue Greens Log Cabin Blocks
Which is your favorite layout???

You can read HERE about additional layout options I made and which one my daughter chose!

Linking to:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. I have never pieced a log cabin design, but I love all the ways they are 'do-able'. I have to say that I am more of a traditionalist, so the first two would be my favorite. But, like you said, there is no right or wrong, just preferences.

  2. I think I like the 2nd one best

  3. I like the last one the best. Your colors are very pretty.

  4. I like the #2 layout. And if I didn't think I needed a design wall, I know I need one now.

  5. @ Stella - You do need a design wall! I LOVE mine!

  6. Such pretty colors. :) I really love 1 and 2 :D


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