January 16, 2013

Ruffle Scarves For Sale!!

100_6246 100_6216 

I have been making ruffle scarves like crazy.  I sell them in a local artists' consignment shop.  These scarves are approximately 55" x 3-4" wide, though the length may vary by a few inches.  The scarves are shown doubled in the pictures above.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these colors or have a color request for a different color, please let me know.  They cost $15 + $3 shipping each.  Buy three and get free shipping {US only!}  Shipping time is 3-4 days after placement of order.

Please contact me at heartsforhomeschooling { at } comcast dotnet.

100_6261 100_6242 100_6263 100_6259 100_6252 100_6249 100_6245 100_6231 100_6215 100_6212 100_6209 100_6201 100_6196 100_6193

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