February 9, 2013

A Princess and Fairy Quilt For My Niece!

Our 7-year-old niece wanted a princess or Barbie bedspread for her birthday.  We couldn't find any Barbie fabric locally, so Millie and I picked out Disney princesses and fairies.

Princess Mermaid Quilt
One side is princesses and one side is fairies.  We chose different colors for each side so she could flip it over and have a whole new look ... giving her the option of changing her mind!!

Princess Mermaid Quilt
It is a very simple quilt with a strip of solid fabric bordering the prints down the middle.
Princess Mermaid Quilt
I chose a high-loft polyester batting for her quilt so it would be thick and cozy.  This is the first time I have used a high-loft batting with Mrs.Singer {aside from a disastrous attempt at using fusible polyester batting}.  She did just fine!  I will definitely be using high-loft batting again, although I would like to find a cotton version since it is a natural fiber.  Is there such a thing as cotton high-loft batting?
I researched using polyester batting with cotton fabrics and whether or not I needed to preshrink the fabric since the fabric would shrink and the polyester batting would not, but I could not find an answer.  I prewashed the fabric, and I do believe this was the best choice.  I will not wash the quilt before I give it to my niece, so I cannot show you what it looks like after washing.  Since all of the shrinking is done, I can't imagine there will be problems, but there might be if I hadn't prewashed the fabric.  
If you have some experience using polyester batting in your quilting, would you chime in here and share what you know with me ... please?!?

Princess Mermaid Quilt

Quilt Stats:
  • Pattern:  Solid strips on three sides of a focus fabric.
  • Size:  Bunkbed twin, a tad smaller than a traditional twin so there isn't so much overhang.
  • Fabric:  Disney princesses and fairies, solids; all from JoAnn Fabric.
  • Batting:  High-loft polyester batting.
  • Quilting:  All over meandering in white polyester thread on Mrs. Singer, my vintage 1896 31-15 mounted on a long-arm quilting frame {yes, she is electric!}
  • Binding:  Double layer solid yellow, attached with mitered corners and attached by machine for durability {important for a kid!}
  • Value:  Fit for a princess!!


  1. What a very lucky girl. Such pretty colors-a wonderful keepsake.

  2. Beautiful quilt!!
    it's been almost a month since you've blogged.....and i'm missing you & your posts.....
    hope you're ok...


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