February 8, 2013

The Backing That Became a Quilt Top Which Became a Quilt!

It all started out with this quilt.

Blue Greens Log Cabin Blocks

I began piecing together leftover pieces for the backing and came up with this.

Blues Greens Strip Quilt on Wall/>

Which became this ... A quilt in itself ... Too delicious to be the backing!

Blues Greens Strip Lap Quilt

The backing on the quilt where the backing became a quilt top!

Blues Greens Strip Lap Quilt

Quilt Stats:
  • Name:  Calm Serenity
  • Pattern:  Random strippy deliciousness.
  • Size:  58" x 60"
  • Fabric Top:  Connecting Threads, Moda Bella White 
  • Backing:  Connecting Threads, Moda Bella White, and Anthropology
  • Batting:  100% organic cotton
  • Quilting:  All-over meandering stitch done on Mrs.Singer, my vintage 1896 31-15 mounted on a long-arm quilting frame.  {Yes, she is electric!}
  • Value:  Cool and calm!
This quilt is for sale in my Etsy Shop, Busy Hands Quilts!

1 comment:

  1. I piece a lot of my backings, too, but I don't think I've ever ended up using one as a quilt top. That is so pretty! You made the right decision!


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