February 22, 2019

Field Trip Full Size Quilt in Strawberry Fizz | Finished or Not Friday Linky Party!

Welcome to Finished {or Not!} Friday where you can share what you're working on and see what others have been making!

My Finish is some Secret Sauce Sewing from 2018 that I can now reveal!!  Meet Field Trips in Strawberry Fizz, a pattern I designed for Bluprint.

Photo Credit Bluprint

This design, not new or original in any way, was what I came up with when I was given a bundle of (19) 9" x WOF prints.  It was a fun challenge to come up with a design to meet exact fabric requirements.  See the featured red in the diagonal center of the blocks?  The pattern gives instructions on fabric placement so your quilt will have the same red chain look with the number of red fabrics given.  Of course it's strip pieced - I'm a stripper at heart!

Photo Credit Bluprint

This quilt was made in record time the first part of December.  The fabric for two quilts in Strawberry Fizz arrived on a Wednesday, I began the two quilts on Thursday, finished them on Sunday, and mailed them back to Bluprint on Monday.  I left for a month-long vacation to Arizona on Tuesday.  Phew!  Not every quilt deadline for Bluprint is this tight - the quilt was due the day I was returning from my trip.  {You'll see the other quilt in Strawberry Fizz next week....}

Photo Credit Bluprint

Quilt Stats:
Pattern:  Field Trip
Fabric:  Strawberry Fizz by Boundless.
Size:  80" x 80"
Batting:  Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 cotton poly
Quilting:  Daisies on Gratitude in white thread

You may remember this Island Batik quilt I made last August.  It was the test quilt for this pattern, made with less blocks.  This quilt sold in my quilt shop.

Last Week's Finished {or Not} Friday Features!

Do you want your quilt featured here?

A link back to Busy Hands Quilts in your post is required to get a shoutout here!  It's a small favor in return for the time and money it takes to host this linky party.

Totality by Savor Every Stitch!

Get started with Bluprint!  The annual subscription rates have dropped significantly over the past year.

It's your turn to share your finish {or not}!  What's welcome at this party?  
  • Any in-progress or finished project made with fabric, yarn, or thread.
  • Projects from this week only.
  • ♥ ♥ PLEASE!  Link to the actual blog post, not your home page.  
  • LINK BACK with the Finished or Not Friday button or a text link.

To grab the code for the button below, left click in the box, press Ctrl-A for Select All, then Ctrl-C for Copy, then go to the HTML code for your post and press Ctrl-V to paste it where you want it to appear.
Finished or Not Friday at Busy Hands Quilts

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  1. I still plan on making this pattern. I have the perfect fabric for it. One of these days it will move to the top of the list!

  2. Wow that was some fast sewing! Looks awesome!

  3. Pretty quilt, but far too many small pieces for me ;)

  4. Wow...that was quite a tight deadline. Kudos for meeting it.


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